Current cases

GGD Data Leak
We are suing the State of the Netherlands and the health board units of GGD in the matter of the GGD Data Leak. You can find more information on the website.
For plaintiffs
Stichting ICAM (Initiatieven Collectieve Acties Massaschade – Initiatives Collective Actions Mass Damage) is a foundation that acts on behave of injured parties in case of mass damage. It helps to protect the interests of groups of persons in case they incur damage through the incorrect and unlawful actions of large organisations.
We investigate, start, and assist collective procedures, bundling the forces of large groups of people. An example is health board GGD’s Data Leak, whereby the (medical) data of millions of people in the Netherlands were tossed out in public, or AirBnb, that billed double charges to both guests and tenants on its platform. It often regards big companies that do not, or hardly respect social responsibility and other ESG objectives.
By uniting injured parties as a group, we are able to gather sufficient financial and legal resources, so that we are able to counterbalance organisations that (often) are much larger. Which generally is impossible for individuals.
Based on over 13 years’ involvement in fourteen (international) mass claim cases for more than seven million citizens, consumers, and entrepreneurs, Stichting ICAM has thorough experience with class actions. We act in conjunction with a concerned team of experts, lawyers, (former) politicians, and committed supporters.
For professionals
Are you a lawyer, procedure funder, or a member of a non-profit organisation, and are you investigating the possibilities for starting a class action? Stichting ICAM is compliant with all regulations regarding both current legislation (WAMCA) and legislation prior to 1 January 2020 (WCAM and 3:305a BW (Netherlands Civil Code)) and has comprehensive knowledge and experience regarding these topics.
Stichting ICAM (Initiatieven Collectieve Acties Massaschade – Initiatives Collective Actions Mass Damage) as a ‘mass claim’ organisation defends the interest of large groups of (legal) persons in the event of damage due to the unlawful actions of sizeable organisations. It investigates, initiates, and assists collective legal procedures.
Based on over 13 years’ involvement in fourteen (international) mass claim cases for more than seven million citizens, consumers, and entrepreneurs, Stichting ICAM has thorough experience with class actions. We act in conjunction with a concerned team of experts, lawyers, (former) politicians, and committed supporters.
A summary of the expertise and support we have available:
- Conducting collective proceedings and (supervising) negotiations and mediation
- Management full operation class action
- Ensuring compliance with WAMCA, WCAM, 3:305a (Netherlands Civil Code) and the Dutch Claim Code
- Development (financial) plan of action
- Organizing (co)funding
- Selection law firm
- Manage group of participants
- Hiring other suppliers (operational, IT)
- Beheer groep deelnemers
- Gathering evidence
- Guidance media contacts
- Settlement execution and claims administration
Stichting ICAM is completely WAMCA/WCAM/3:305a BW-compliant.
Management Board
Stichting ICAM is managed by an independent Management Board. The Management Board is responsible for the establishment and implementation of the (financial) policies and for the realisation of the strategy that is focused on the objectives set in the articles of association.

Marnix Bos
Marnix Bos is a lawyer with plenty of experience with advocacy organisations and class actions.

Tijs Breukink
Tijs Breukink is an experienced finance professional in both private and public environments.

Astrid Oosenbrug
Astrid Oosenbrug is a former Dutch member of parliament and has expertise in the field of digital safety.
mr. Marnix Bos
Marnix Bos is a specialist lawyer in corporate law and labour law and a partner with Berculo Advocaten in Utrecht. Before joining Berculo Advocaten, he worked for the law firm AKD Prinsen van Wijmen in Rotterdam and Utrecht for nearly 10 years. Besides his work as a lawyer, Bos has been the chairperson of the interest group Stichting Wakkerpolis since 2017. This organisation successfully initiates collective legal procedures against the major Dutch insurance companies like Nationale Nederlanden and ASR, which has given Mr Bos a lot of relevant professional experience in collective procedures.
Relevant work experience
Chairperson of Stichting Wakkerpolis
Lawyer/Partner at Berculo Advocaten, Utrecht
Lawyer at AKD Prinsen van Wijmen, Utrecht
Lawyer at AKD Prinsen van Wijmen, Rotterdam
Tijs Breukink
Tijs Breukink has extensive experience with heavy financial positions at both private companies and public institutions, such as ARCADIS, Wageningen University and Twente University. He is responsible for the financial policy of the ICAM foundation
Relevant work experience
2017-todayManagement, Consulting and Supervision at Breukink Business Support
2022-2023 Managing director a.i. Faculty BMS University Twente
2019-heden Chairperson Haventafel IJmuiden
2019-2020Member of the Executive Board a.i. Fontys University
2018Member of the Executive Board a.i. Hogeschool Arnhem en Nijmegen
2016-hedenMember of the Supervisory Board ROVA NV
2005-2017 Member executive board Wageningen University & Research
1998-2005 Finance manager / financial director ARCADIS Netherlands
1987-1998Multiple functions at DAF Trucks, PricewaterhouseCoopers and Koninklijke Ten Cate
Astrid Oosenbrug
Astrid Oosenburg is a former member of the Dutch House of Representatives and an experienced executive. Her involvement as a member of the Dutch parliament mainly focused on ICT and data. From 2012 to 2017, she was the government’s spokesperson on ICT/data on all topics related to government policies, privacy, telecommunication, and copyright. As a member of the House of Representatives, she voiced her criticism on the violation of privacy resulting from the new criminal investigation legislation. Furthermore, she was a staunch advocate of the implementation of the Responsible Disclosure policy within the Dutch government. As an employee for the Municipal Health Services (GGD), she carried out source and contact investigations with the ANWB (Royal Dutch Touring Club).
Relevant work experience
Public Affairs Officer ESET Nederland
Staff member GGD source and contact investigation team with the ANWB
Co-founder and treasurer Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure
Chairperson COC Nederland
Member of the Advisory Board Beehive Techcampus 4.2
President Stichting Open Source & Overheid
Member of the Dutch House of Representatives
Municipal Council Member Lansingerland
System administrator of, i.a., XS4ALL, Stichting IT-Works! and Omroep West
Supervisory Board
Our Supervisory Board controls the policies of the Management Board, carries out financial oversight, and exercises the control tasks as described in the Claim Code 2019. In addition, the Supervisory Board provides the Management Board with advice on all important topics, both when, and when not requested.

Quirine Eijkman
Quirine Eijkman is lector Legal Access and vice chairwoman at the human rights institute ‘College voor de Rechten van de Mens’.

Rob van den Hoven van Genderen
Member (legal)
Rob van den Hoven van Genderen is a professor also specialised in in privacy law.

Jos Lunenberg
Lid (financieel en zakelijke relaties)
Jos Lunenberg is CEO at Surfix Diagnostics en strategic advisor at ENPICOM.
mr. dr. Quirine Eijkman
Quirine Eijkman lectures the Access to Justice (Toegang tot het Recht) programme course at the Utrecht University of Applied Sciences and is the vice-chairperson of the Dutch College for Human Rights. Ms Eijkman’s professional career focuses on social issues relating to access to justice, safety and security, digitisation, restorative justice, and human rights. She is on the Advisory Boards of the Dutch Council for Legal Aid, the Dutch Legal Committee for Human Rights (NJCM), and Privacy First. Ms Eijkman is also a member of the Commissie Werkelijke Schade (CWS) and the Intelligence and Security Services Regulatory Committee (CTIVD).
Relevant work experience
Member of the Commissie Werkelijke Schade (CWS)
Member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch Council for Legal Aid
Member of the Stichting Open Recht
Member of the Advisory Board of Stichting Privacy First
Vice-chairperson Dutch College for Human Rights
Lecturer KSI Utrecht University of Applied Sciences
Member of the Advisory Board of the Dutch Legal Committee for Human Rights (NJCM)
Researcher and university lecturer Safety & Rule of Law Centre for Terrorism and Counter-terrorism (CTC) Leiden University
Member of the Dutch Helsinki Committee
Chairperson of the Dutch Legal Committee for Human Rights (NJCM)
Rob van den Hoven van Genderen
Mr Van den Hoven van Genderen is the Managing Director of the Centre for Law and Internet (CLI) of the VU University Amsterdam, a professor in AI & Robot Law at the University of Lapland, and a visiting professor at Kyushu University in Japan and the National University of Taiwan (NTU). As university lecturer, he teaches his students about media and communication law, privacy legislation, internet law, AI, and robot law. Rob van den Hoven van Genderen also published several books and articles on these subjects. Before his mainly academic career, he was a special advisor for the UN and the Council of Europe on privacy issues. Besides his current scientific work, he is a consulting partner with SwitchLegal International Lawyers and editor of the magazine Computerrecht.
Relevant work experience
Professor AI and Robot Law at the University of Lapland
Chairperson NVAIR (Dutch Association for AI & Robot Law)
Managing Director of the Centre for Law and Internet of the VU University Amsterdam
Legal Project Manager DigiD at the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Assistant Professor Computer Law Institute VU University Amsterdam
Partner/Advisor SwitchLegal International Lawyers Amsterdam
Independent advisor for institutions such as the UN, NATO, and the Council of Europe
Consultant ICT Office
Director Public Affairs/Regulatory British Telecom/Telfort
Director of Stichting SURF
Jos Lunenberg
Jos Lunenberg is CEO at Surfix Diagnostics, which develops diagnostic tests based on liquid biopsy samples, to detect and monitor cancer in an early stage. In 2017 he started ENPICOM, turning it into a key player in the bio-informatics industry with an advanced analytics platform for the discovery and analysis of antibodies After stepping down as CEO at the beginning of 2023, he is currently still active at the company as a strategic advisor to the board. Prior to that, Jos held various management- and marketing roles within the life sciences industry, ranging from fast-growing start-ups to publicly listed companies.
Relevant work experience
Executive Board Member at Epos
2017-2023Co-founder and CEO at ENPICOM
Chief Business Officer and co-owner at Genalice
Marketing director at Cerus Europe
Founder at Vitamagna
Marketing Director & General Manager CH at Cryo-Save
Global Marketing Director at Organon
International Product Manager at Organon Teknika